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커피에 관한 글

나정우 그레고리오 2016.10.19 06:15 조회 수 : 8510

Coffee Health Risks: Fact or Fiction By Jay Patterson Published October 11, 2013 Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world and there have been many different studies done to determine coffee health risks, as well as the health benefits that coffee may provide. However, there is a lot of conflicting information concerning coffee health risks and benefits, and many surveys have produced conflicting information that may not account for all of the factors affecting people who seem to have health problems because of drinking coffee. What Coffee Does to the Body Caffeine, the active ingredient in coffee, is classified as a mild stimulant. After consuming caffeine, the body experiences increased metabolism, heartbeat, respiration, and production of stomach acid and urine. Because caffeine is a stimulant, people commonly drink coffee to help wake them up in the morning, or throughout the day. Possible Coffee Health Risks One of the chief health concerns regarding coffee is that it can cause heart disease since it is a stimulant and increases heart rate and metabolism. One study done by Johns Hopkins Medical Institute provided evidence that heavy coffee drinkers (five or more cups per day) are more likely to have coronary heart disease than those who did not drink coffee, but this study did not account for other factors, such as the lifestyles of the participants, the caffeine content in the coffee, or the brewing method. However, as Warren G. Thompson, MD, said regarding research on links between coffee and heart disease, “The larger and better studies suggest that coffee is not a major risk factor for coronary disease.” It is suspected that if coffee does increase the risk of heart disease, it does it through increasing LDL cholesterol or homocysteine levels. Although several studies have found that most heavy coffee drinkers do not show an increase in LDL cholesterol or homocysteine, this is not the case with drinkers of unfiltered coffee. Unfiltered coffee is made using a French Press, or plunger, and is sometimes called plunger coffee. Instead of using a filter and running water over the coffee grounds, a French Press actually mixes the coffee and water in a container for brewing, and a mesh plunger is used to separate the coffee grinds from the brew. Using a French Press makes the coffee much richer, since the water is in direct contact with the coffee grounds, and many of the oils and other substances in coffee, are not strained out by a paper filter. Studies done on people drinking six or more cups a day of unfiltered coffee has found that LDL cholesterol or homocysteine, if not both, increased significantly. One such study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition over a two week period showed that the drinkers of unfiltered coffee increased their risk of heart disease by 10%. Another study showed similar results, but it was found that once the test subjects began drinking filtered coffee, the risk level returned to normal. Other coffee health risks concern reproductive health, especially in women. Coffee drinking, even in excessive amounts, seems to have no effect on men’s reproductive health. There does appear to be a link between heavy coffee drinking during pregnancy and the incidence of stillbirths. This study found that pregnant women who drank eight or more cups per day were 220% more likely to have a stillbirth than nondrinkers of coffee. Studies such as this have led doctors to caution against caffeine use by pregnant women. However, heavy coffee drinking has not been linked to increased infant deaths in the first year after birth. Coffee has also been known, in some women, to increase PMS symptoms, reduce fertility, and increase the chance of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Other less serious coffee health risks induced by coffee are related to its properties as a stimulant and the lift most people get from drinking it. Coffee has been known to increase anxiety and nervousness if consumed in excess or in people who are sensitive to its effects. Other negative effects stem from caffeine withdrawal, which usually put sufferers in a poor mood and can cause headaches and flu-like symptoms. The only other major coffee health risks come from overdosing on caffeine, which is somewhat rare. Doses of caffeine between 250 to 750 mg can cause restlessness, dizziness, nausea, headaches, tense muscles, sleep disturbances, as well as irregular heart beats. Doses over 750 mg can lead to all of those symptoms in addition to panic attack symptoms, delirium, drowsiness, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and possibly convulsions. However, a person would need to drink over seven cups of coffee in a short time period to overdose on caffeine from coffee alone. Health Benefits of Coffee Although coffee has been suspected to cause or aggravate several medical conditions, most studies that uncover this information deal with people who drink five or more cups of coffee on a daily basis. One limitation of these studies is that it is difficult to take into account the factors and lifestyles that lead these people to drink large amounts of coffee each day. However, it has been found that people who drink a moderate amount of coffee commonly experience several health benefits instead of risks. The most notable positive effect of coffee is its ability to help people wake up and increase their awareness when drowsy. Caffeine has also been shown to reduce boredom and improve performance on simple repetitive tasks. Some experiments have even provided evidence that coffee can improve cognitive performance. These studies have shown an increase short term recall and IQ, as well as reaction time, and verbal memory. It was found that the largest gap in performance between coffee drinkers and non-coffee drinkers was among women over the age of eighty. The caffeine in coffee can also increase the potency of painkillers, namely migraine and headache medicines, which also increase heart rate slightly. It is also believed that moderate consumption of coffee can reduce the likelihood of developing cirrhosis of the liver and one type of liver cancer. In addition, among Americans who don’t eat many foods from the fruit and vegetable groups, coffee is typically their largest source of antioxidants in their diet. The Wrap Up Like many other things, coffee can provide several benefits to your health, as well as helping many people to function through out their day. However, like anything else, too much of a good thing can become bad. Although some coffee health risks have been discovered, the group that is most at risk is those who consistently drink four or more cups of coffee per day. Heavy coffee consumption is most dangerous in pregnant women because of the increased risk of stillbirth. People with high blood pressure or preexisting heart conditions can also be at risk, but these people are commonly advised by their doctor to avoid or limit consumption caffeine from any source, not just coffee. However, drinking a moderate amount of coffee on a regular basis has been shown to offer many more benefits than risks. For this reason, it is likely that coffee will continue to be one of the world’s most popular beverages.
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